Introduction to Design Patterns: Why they're worth learning

As developers, we’re constantly learning - and there’s a lot to learn in general because the tech industry is broad and fast-paced. We want to have all the main bases covered so that we can be ready for any situation. We often hear about design patterns and how they can enable us to write well-architected software using object-oriented programming. If you’re like me, you might file that away as a set of concepts to learn later. I filed them into the “important, but not urgent” (quadrant two of Eisenhower’s matrix) category. Of course, there are many topics to learn that are required for us to do our job. So design patterns might not make it to the top of your priority list - where items like testing, frameworks, CI/CD, or a dozen other things live.

I was always intrigued by design patterns, but as with learning anything new, I was in the dark about a lot of things. First, I didn’t know why I should learn them. I didn’t know what they are. “Are they best practices, SOLID principles, architecture guides, or what?” I would ask. I don’t know exactly how they can help me (besides simply being familiar). Naturally, I didn’t have a clear learning path - I didn’t know how I should learn them or if it’s the right time for me to learn them. What are the prerequisites? What material should I use and how do I avoid being scattered? How do I put them into practice?

Now that I’ve spent over a year learning design patterns, I wanted to share my journey and hopefully answer all of the above questions. I went from feeling scattered amongst resources I haphazardly encountered like blog posts and videos, to seeking out some books, and encountering a few patterns at work. When my mentor made a few fantastic recommendations, I was off to the races:

  • the writings of Alexander Shvets on The author has created an amazing resource that I quote heavily throughout this post. (He also has books available.)
  • ways to put design patterns into practice

(Also, shout-out to an awesome video series - Christoper Okhravi on design patterns - which really helped me get my initial bearings.)

The goal of this article is to provide a guide that I would’ve loved when I first started my journey. It provides clarification on:

  • exactly what design patterns are and the types of problems they can solve
  • what design patterns aren’t and the types of problems that they don’t solve

Finally, after your mental schemas are primed, I provide much-needed motivation to take the first steps.

  • how learning design patterns help you solve software problems in general
  • how learning design patterns will build intuition so you can easily spot these problems from a high-level

In another post, I provide a number of resources that I’ve found helpful while learning and a suggested curriculum.

Let’s begin by making the mental space for design patterns by discussing what they are.

What Design Patterns are

You may have heard of the book Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software a.k.a. the “Gang of Four” (“GoF”) book (where the four authors are the “Gang of Four.“) Using “pattern language” adapted from a book about buildings, the gang came up with 23 design patterns. (Read more here and here.)

As mentioned, I’ll be heavily quoting the writings of Alexander Shvets on throughout this post. Here’s an introductory quote from the site:

“Design patterns are typical (2) solutions to common problems in (1) software (object-oriented) design. Each pattern is like a (3) blueprint that you can customize to solve a particular design problem in your code.”

Let’s dig into three key parts (in bold) of this statement.

(1) “software (object-oriented) design”

To say design patterns encompass all of “software design” is too broad, in my opinion. I prefer to think of them as “object-oriented (OOP) design patterns” because they are most often taught and implemented this way. (Caveat: it’s not imperative to use classes (etc) to implement design patterns.) For the sake of argument, let’s say “software” can be broken into five levels: 1. ground-level byte-code. 2. language (idiom) 3. feature (business logic). 4. architecture. 5. deployment. The levels best suited to applying design patterns are the language (idiom) level, the feature level, and architecture levels.

The first level (byte-code) isn’t too relevant. If we’re talking about the design of the tools that create byte-code from source code, then we’re discussing the third level of software. (Tools I’m familiar with include gulp and webpack - “plugin” systems which may use the Template Method, Strategy, or other patterns to implement them.)

The applicability at the second level (language, idiom) is limited since language idioms depend on the best practices of that language. Some patterns that apply at this level are:

To get more familiar with language idioms for design patterns, be sure to check out which has illustrations of all the patterns in many languages!

The applicability at the third level (feature) is the “sweet spot.” They shine at encapsulating business logic, memory management, server calls, and much more. For example, if I know that I need a way to get multiple objects that solve variations of a problem, I can use the Factory Method pattern. If I want to be able to optionally wrap objects with extra functionality as needed, I can use the Decorator pattern. If I need to set up a chain of classes where one optionally passes the result to the next, the Chain of Responsibility pattern could help. The point being, most (if not all) of the patterns can aid in feature implementation.

Design patterns are also very applicable to the fourth (architectural) level of software. We may use the Adapter pattern to morph data into a format we can use between a Model layer and a Controller layer. We could implement the Proxy pattern to authenticate writes to a database.

Finally, the fifth (deployment) level can benefit from design patterns if there are code capabilities for deployment architectures. In this case, see level four above.

(I would like to mention more advanced patterns here including Microsoft cloud patterns and 12factor. These resources, linked at the end of this article, guide us to implementing best practices like isolating pieces of a system, making certain pieces stateless, etc.)

(2) “solutions to common problems”

Each of the 23 patterns attempt to solve one or more issues that frequently arise in codebases. Here are some examples described with their respective patterns:

  • Cognitive complexity. Object-oriented programming is commonly criticized for making it too easy to overuse inheritance where composition would be superior. The primary danger of inheritance is creating too many subclasses. These subclasses contain variations based on a small property that changes - something that should’ve been isolated and passed into a single class. Addressed by the Bridge, Command, Strategy, State, and other patterns. (The “too-many-combinations” problem results from Cartesian products. Christopher Okhravi details it in his Bridge pattern video and other videos.)
  • Needing to control access to an object. For instance, you’re using a third-party library and you only want to use a few methods of its API (and others would be detrimental for your application.) The Facade pattern would work well in this case. Other patterns that address access issues include Singleton, and Proxy.
  • Needing to build an object in pieces. The Builder pattern addresses this beautifully by giving us methods that we can opt-into to create an object. The Template Method pattern is similar but allows us to override or omit certain stages of an algorithm.
  • Conserving RAM. The Flyweight pattern allows us to cache shared parts of objects and let other parts be unique. (The “access-control” patterns mentioned above also address caching.)
  • Making an undo / redo stack available. Addressed by the Memento and Command patterns.

A huge benefit to having a catalog of common problems is they come with descriptive language to illustrate the problem. One of my favorite examples is the Visitor pattern. The problem is we have a network of nodes and we need to traverse and process them. Instead of hardcoding in algorithms for a node class, we “visit” the node with a special class (Visitor) that has access to a node’s methods and data as needed. The node that gets visited is commonly called “element” (which is generic) but you can think of it as a “visitee” to complete the essential pair of the pattern.

(3) “blueprints you can customize”

Rather than thinking of design patterns as off-the-shelf solutions, think of them as guidance on splitting problems into smaller pieces and having these pieces interact. You can customize a pattern by adding functionality that isn’t included in its description. For example, you might add a utility method for an Iterator so that you can quickly retrieve items from a given list. Another way of customizing a pattern is by omitting pieces you don’t need. An example of this is the Builder pattern which has a “director” class you can opt into using.

What Design Patterns aren’t (and additional considerations)

They aren’t an automatic enforcement of best practices

Design patterns certainly aren’t a silver bullet. Your usage of them doesn’t necessarily make your code better, more testable, more maintainable, or easier to comprehend. These concerns are “foundational” to the software you write and design patterns may or may not address them.

We often hear of S.O.L.I.D. principles - best practices that increase the quality of our software. For example, the “S” of SOLID is the Single-responsibility-principle - prefer functions with a single responsibility. Functional programming principles can help us achieve this as well. For example, always creating functions that don’t mutate their input and have a deterministic output based on its input. Since design patterns are “blueprints,” this language-specific level stuff will be up to you during implementation. (Their proper use certainly will include best practices.)

They can’t solve every possible problem

“Design patterns build on the foundations laid by solid analysis of software development. (1) You will not find a pattern that solves every problem you encounter. Some problems are simply intractable and unmanageable. Other problems may have a solution, but there are no widely known patterns to solve the challenge at hand. Indeed, this may be an opportunity for you to make a mental note by documenting a pattern you invent, discover or document as you synthesize existing patterns to create new patterns.”

Let’s say you’re “in the weeds” of developing a feature. You may have your classes neatly arranged, but then find yourself needing to create extra layers and considerations to successfully use the patterns or correctly implement business logic. Many of the patterns involve a “client” object which is an especially loose description of how the core objects interact. Writing client implementations is always on the developer and you may find yourself without a guide on how to architect your specific feature.


In many cases, the tradeoff of implementing a design pattern and keeping the code straightforward might not be worth it. A caveat with many patterns is “The code may become more complicated than it should be, since a lot of new interfaces and classes are introduced along with the pattern.” (,, and more)

If you’ve decided to opt in to the complexity tradeoff, you may find that the complexity breeds more complexity. For example, you may need to add additional layers of logic to allow new objects to talk to each other. There’s now more code and more that can go wrong. (See flocking rules

There’s a middle-ground approach that we should consider before changing existing code to utilize a design pattern. features a refactoring section that identifies problems on a more granular level. While some of the solutions include design patterns, many of them don’t need to go that far.

Incorrect Usage

Finally, as mentioned in, it’s easy enough to use patterns badly or incorrectly. Doing so may lead to inefficient or difficult to understand code. You might as well start over without a pattern in these cases until it’s clear how to correctly implement one. (Example - a non-global Singleton may increase performance but deceive developers who later work on the code)

Motivation for learning Design Patterns

There are a few extrinsically motivating reasons to learn design patterns. We’ll be able successfully answer interview questions about them. We can participate in or lead team discussions involving them. Additionally, knowledge of them strengthens our object-oriented programming (OOP) and general programming skills.

Personally, these reasons didn’t initially motivate me to put in effort beyond reading a few articles here and there. I want to be excited about what I learn. Being intrinsically motivated allows anything you learn to “stick” better. (More about extrinsic and intrinsic motivation.) Let’s start with this useful overview

“Design patterns are a toolkit of tried and tested solutions to common problems in software design. Even if you never encounter these problems, knowing patterns is still useful because it (1) teaches you how to solve all sorts of problems using principles of object-oriented design. Design patterns (2) define a common language that you and your teammates can use to communicate more efficiently. You can say, “Oh, just use a Singleton for that,” and everyone will understand the idea behind your suggestion. No need to explain what a singleton is if you know the pattern and its name.”

Let’s dig into a few key parts (in bold) of this statement.

(1) “teaches you how to solve all sorts of problems”

Being able to think in terms of interactions between objects is incredibly beneficial for solving problems by way of creating well-abstracted code.

As you become more familiar with design patterns, you can anticipate common problems that arise. We saw a slew of problem examples in the “solutions to common problems” section. Knowingly or not, you’ve probably used the Strategy, Facade, Adapter, or other patterns before.

There are very popular external libraries that use and allow the developer to utilize design patterns. Understanding design patterns will help you more easily understand how they work. Examples:

We mentioned best practices before, and I believe when implemented correctly, design patterns encourage creation of clean, well-architected code. Many of the design patterns were born out of motivation to implement S.O.L.I.D. principles.

  • The Visitor pattern encourages the Open/Closed Principle and the Single Responsibility Principle
  • The Factory Method pattern encourages the Open/Closed Principle \and the _Single Responsibility Principle_
  • The Composite pattern encourages the Open/Closed Principle
  • See the pros/cons sections of the above links and many of the other patterns.

(2) “define a common language”

Enabling and improving communication for yourself and between developers, in my opinion, is very motivating. In the earlier “solutions to common problems” section, we brought up a few common problems and names of patterns that address them. Having these as a shared vocabulary not only helps you convey your thoughts to others, it clarifies your internal voice while you’re working on your own.

The terminology used throughout the study of the topic usually begins with an analogy to something you can understand outside of software. Once the analogy becomes concretized with code examples, your abilities to communicate on the higher design level will increase. Learning through analogies will be a general mental benefit. You’ll understand these concepts more deeply because you’ll be able to relate them to concepts outside of programming. (More about taking advantage of these analogies in the “how to learn” section.)

Building intuition and creativity

Design patterns can be thought of as “distilled experience” of past engineers. They provide a catalog of problems that have come up so many times before. We’re in a privileged position to avoid reinventing the wheel and, best of all, to build intuition for solving these problems.

We immensely benefit from learning this repertoire of pre-built solutions. Studying with the goal of internalizing them is an important step for building intuition. Once internalized, you may have a conversation with your team while planning the implementation of a feature. You could recall a pattern and have a “light bulb” moment. You’re able to see the pattern in your mind, remember its name, and easily speak to its associated terminology. Now you can confidently discuss how it would behoove us to “use the Strategy pattern to abstract the algorithm out of the function. We can see that these lines of the function have the algorithm hard-coded in. This makes it impossible to reuse our looping strategy to gather the processed elements. The Strategy pattern solves this.”

Having this intuition can unlock creativity. Design patterns provide a well-defined structure that we can creatively work with. To break new ground, we might opt to go “backwards” by seeking problems with a solution in mind, reversing the usual problem-first routine. This allows us to solve problems in a new way and reinforce our problem-solving schemas.

Other creative approaches are also opened up. Being able to recognize where you can vary patterns allows you to see them (and other constructs) more fluidly. These variations may even lead to coming up with a new type of pattern altogether!


Of course, this isn’t necessarily the end of the topic. We can go well beyond the Gang’s 23 design patterns.

Cloud Design Patterns | Microsoft - “These design patterns are useful for building reliable, scalable, secure applications in the cloud. Each pattern describes the problem that the pattern addresses, considerations for applying the pattern, and an example based on Microsoft Azure. Most of the patterns include code samples or snippets that show how to implement the pattern on Azure. However, most of the patterns are relevant to any distributed system, whether hosted on Azure or on other cloud platforms.”

The 12 Factor App Methodology - “In the modern era, software is commonly delivered as a service: called web apps, or software-as-a-service. The twelve-factor app is a methodology for building software-as-a-service apps”…

Learning Paths

In my next post, I provide a number of resources that I’ve found helpful while learning and a suggested curriculum.